Posts tagged “dan mcguines author

BOOK WEEK NEWS: Playford Library talk.

Right after doing my King’s Baptist Grammar talks I drove down to the Playford library to give another talk. It was a good turn out and everything went great. Here is what the kids came up with when I did my character creation bit.

Meet Milkshake the cat. He has a log for a body, brooms for arms and octopus legs. He lives in a magician’s hat in space


BOOK WEEK TALKS: Kings Baptist Grammar – DAY 2

On the second day of talks at King’s Baptist Grammar I had a bunch of kids waiting for me to sign stuff when I rocked up. It was awesome and I have never had that happen to me before.

Dan arrival 4

As usual I did my talks and ended with a character creation part. Here is what the kids came up with.

First up we have Debbie the cat. She has bananas that shoot out puppies for arms, a KFC bucket for a body and chainsaws for legs. She lives in a giant hot dog in the land of doughnuts.


Next we have Bobby the pig. He has giraffes for arms, a snow mans body with bacon for legs. He lives in a whale in Candy land.


Last we have Fred the worm. He has a vending machine for a body, sausage dogs for arms and human legs. He lives in a giant Lego block in a forest.


I had an amazing time at King’s Baptist Grammar. I just want to thank Denise Visciglio and  all the kids for making we feel really welcome! Thanks everyone!

Year 4s

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Day two of my Colonel Light Gardens talks went off without a hitch!


Here’s what the kids came up with in my character creation part of my talks.

First we have Bob the chicken. He has a planet for a body, robot arms and rockets for legs. He lives in a roast turkey in the world if fish.


Next we have Gig the elephant. He has a house for a body, Meatballs for arms and human heads for legs. He lives in a giant coconut on Mars.


Last we have Tyrone the hippo. He has a fish for a body, tentacle arms and unicorn horns for legs. He lives in a giant pumpkin on a cloud.


I really enjoyed the last two days at Colonel Light Gardens Primary School. Librarian Simone, all the staff and all the kids were awesome. Thankyou everyone for inviting me to talk at your school.